Trade Profile Search | Tradeperson Lookup Tool
* Name
Apprenticeship ID or Journeyman Certificate Number (if applicable)
Mailing Address
Preferred method of contact
* E-mail Address
* Primary Phone Number
Secondary Phone Number
Complaint is regarding an
* Name of Employer/Individual
*Related to what trades
Worksite Address
Postal Code
Phone Number
Contact at Employer
Primary Phone Number
* Location of Occurence
* Date/Time of occurence
* Details of complaint
Please provide as much specific detail as possible.
Did you raise this complaint to this Employer or Individual?
Who was it reported to?
* Position
Do you have a record of your complaint?
Do you have any other information about your complaint?
For example, were there any witnesses? Do you have any documents that may be useful?
Personal information is collected by Advanced Education under the authority of s. 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) (“FOIP”) for the purposes of investigation of the complaint and for administration of programs and services under the Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act (Alberta). The information will be used and disclosed in accordance with FOIP. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, please contact the Assistant Investigator, Program Compliance and Investigations Unit, Apprenticeship and Industry Training, 9th Floor, Sterling Place, 9940 – 106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5K 2V1. Telephone: 1-800-248-4823 or email:
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