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Certificate Examples

Certificate Numbers for each Certificate Type except Red Seal and Blue Seal, are defined as follows:

  • Comprised of alphabetic and numeric characters that are not limited to a certain layout or a defined amount of each type within the overall 9 alphanumeric characters. The 9 characters is a maximum length. It may be shorter.
  • The alpha characters can be at the beginning (prefix), the end (suffix) or anywhere in between. The numeric part always increments by one for each Certificate issued.

    Possible examples are:
    ’00001A’, ‘00002A’, ‘00003A’ … ‘ 00009A’, ‘00010A’, ‘00011A’ …
    ‘FC  00001’, ‘FC  00002’, ‘FC  00003’ … ‘FC  00009’, ‘FC  00010’ …
    or to demonstrate the extreme case, the following example:
    ‘A101B30A’, ‘A101B31A’, ‘A101B32A’ … ‘A101B39A’, ‘A101B40A’ …

The following table shows an example of each Certificate Number by Certificate Type (including Red Seal and Blue Seal):

Certificate Type

Current Certificate Number Definition and Example

Journeyperson Certificate


Completion of an apprenticeship education program will result in a journeyperson certificate with a 6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary) followed by ‘A’ (e.g. ‘000001A’)

Completion of a trades qualifier program will result in a journeyperson certificate with a 6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary) followed by ‘NQ’ (e.g. ‘000002NQ’)

Both wallet cards are embossed with the Alberta seal and a holographic laminate as an additional security feature to protect from tampering and counterfeiting.

Journeyperson Certificate

(Pre-July 2022)

6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)
followed by ‘A’

(e.g. ‘000001A’)

Qualification Certificate

(Pre-July 2022)

6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)
followed by ‘NQ’

(e.g. ‘000001NQ’)

Qualification of Occupation

(Pre-July 2022)

6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)
followed by ‘OQ’

(e.g. ‘000001OQ’)

Occupation Certificate

(Pre-July 2022)

6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)
followed by ‘N’

(e.g. ‘000001N’)

Certified in Occupation

(Pre-July 2022)

6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)
followed by ‘G’

(e.g. ‘000001G’)

Blue Seal Certificate
(Achievement in Business Competencies Program)

6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)

(e.g. ‘000024’)

Red Seal Endorsement

AB Province Code (‘J’)
followed by a dash (‘-‘) followed by
2-character Interprovincial Trade Code
followed by a dash (‘-‘) followed by
6-digit unique sequential number (add leading zeroes, if necessary)

(e.g. ‘J-01-000001’)