Apprentice Services
Apprenticeship and Industry Training provides more than 1,900 scholarships to apprentices each year to assist them in completing their apprenticeship education programs.
Apprenticeship education is a valuable post-secondary career option and is critical to helping Albertans find respected, good-paying jobs that meet Alberta’s growing labour market demands.
Valued at $1,000 or $2,000, this program helps meet the government’s commitment to make it easier for young people to access the skills and training they need to get good jobs as skilled trades professionals. Alberta's High School Apprenticeship Scholarship program recognizes the accomplishments of high school students participating in the Registered Apprenticeship Program and/or Career and Technology Studies apprenticeship pathways.
An application is not required for most of these scholarships. Selection is based on a set of established criteria defined by the scholarship donor and apprentices’ academic accomplishments during the classroom component of their apprenticeship program.

Valued at $1,000, these scholarships encourage those completing pre-apprenticeship training programs to continue in the trades and complete their apprenticeship training.
Valued at $1,000, these scholarships recognize the excellence of Alberta apprentices and encourage recipients to complete their apprenticeship or occupational training programs.
Valued at $1,500, these scholarships recognize the excellence of apprentices who have achieved both a very high academic standing in technical training and a strong employer recommendation.
As a legacy to 2009 WorldSkills Calgary, the Government of Alberta developed these scholarships to help Alberta students and apprentices participating in provincial, national and international skills competitions to further their post-secondary education and support their skills training. Three scholarships are awarded: two valued at $500 and one valued at $9,000 over a period of two years.
Click here to view a list of previous donors to the scholarship fund.
Supporting and Promotional Material
Download one of the Apprenticeship and Industry Training Scholarship posters: