Apprentice Services

Frequently Asked Questions
Classroom Instruction
    Enrolment Instructions
        Registration Dates
    Class Catalogue
    About Classroom Instruction
        Delivery Method and Type
        Tuition and Fees
        Class Locations
        Special Accommodations
    Exam Counselling Sheets
    Exam Bookings
    Challenge an Exam
    Exam Accommodations
    What to Bring
    Study Tips for Success
    AIT Training Plan
Financial Support
    Student Loans and Grants
        Pre-employment students
    Employment Insurance
        High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
        Pre-Apprentice Scholarships
        AIT Scholarships
        Top Apprentice Scholarships
        World Skills Legacy Scholarship
        Scholarship Donors
    Apprentice Training Award
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Confirming Your Eligibility
    Consent to be Considered
Maintain your Records
Request a Document
Relocate between Provinces
Extra Supports
    Virtual Learning Strategist
    Supports for Apprentices with Disabilities

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to download a PDF version of the FAQ list below.


What does "Unemployed in the Trade" mean?

  • “Unemployed in the Trade” means you do not currently have an Apprenticeship Education Agreement with a sponsor or employer but have had a past sponsor or employer and earned on-the-job hours as an apprentice in your trade. 
    • You are not eligible for the Apprentice Training Award if you have never had an Apprenticeship Education Agreement with a sponsor or employer.
  • It does not necessarily mean that you, as an apprentice, are collecting Employment Insurance (EI).
  • Example:  A welder apprentice is no longer working as an apprentice at a welding shop but has secured a job working at a warehouse. In this situation, the apprentice is considered “Unemployed in the Trade” because he does not have an Apprenticeship Education Agreement with the warehouse (his employer).
  • If you are an apprentice registered with the Boilermakers or Ironworkers Apprenticeship Administration Agencies, “Unemployed in the Trade” is defined as being on the out-of-work list.

Do I have to be collecting Employment Insurance (EI) to be eligible for the Apprentice Training Award?

  • No. Eligibility is based on being “Unemployed in the Trade”, which means you do not have an employer holding your Contract of Apprenticeship and are not earning hours towards your apprenticeship program. You can be employed in another line of work and therefore not collecting EI. 

Do I have to submit a “Release Card” to receive the Apprentice Training Award?

  • Yes, apprentices are required to submit a Notice of Release of Apprenticeship Education Agreement card (Release Card) in order to be eligible for the Apprentice Training Award. This indicates you do not have an Apprenticeship Education Agreement with an employer.
  • NOTE: This requirement does not apply to apprentices registered to the Boilermakers or Ironworkers  Apprenticeship Administration Agencies. Unemployment will be confirmed by the apprentice’s agency. 

If I attend classroom instruction provided at a union facility, am I eligible for the Apprentice Training Award?

  • Yes. Training facilities approved to provide apprenticeship classroom instruction meet the requirement.

When I press the Check Eligibility button, MyTradesecrets won’t let me continue. Why?

Establish that you are “Unemployed in the Trade” by taking a photo of your Notice of Release of Apprenticeship Education Agreement card (Release Card) and upload it to your MyTradesecrets account. This will prove that you were unemployed for more than 30 days before the start of classroom instruction.

Your Release Card will be processed within five (5) business days. Once processed, you need to provide your consent and declaration for the Apprentice Training Award on your MyTradesecrets account under the Awards and Scholarships tab.

I have been unemployed in my trade for less than 30 days. Am I still eligible?

  • No. You must be unemployed in your trade for at least 30 consecutive days immediately prior to the first day of classroom instruction. There are no exceptions.

How do I calculate 30 consecutive days of unemployment?

  • Consecutive days are counted as calendar days.  This includes weekends and holidays.

I want to take back-to-back classroom instruction. How is “Unemployed in the Trade” for 30 consecutive days determined?

  • You must be “Unemployed in the Trade” for at least 30 consecutive days immediately prior to the first day of any classroom instruction, regardless if it is taken back-to-back or not.
  • ”Unemployed in the Trade” means the apprentice does not have an Apprenticeship Education Agreement with an employer.
  • For apprentices registered with the Boilermaker or Ironworker Apprenticeship Administration Agencies, “Unemployed in the Trade” is defined as being on the out-of-work list.

My apprenticeship has been cancelled but I want to attend classroom instruction. What do I do?

Are all hairstyling apprentice programs eligible for the Apprentice Training Award?

  • No. Only hairstyling apprentices studying at the Delmar College of Hair & Esthetics or M.C. College are eligible for the award‎.


How do I apply for the Award?

  • AIT will notify you by email if you are eligible on your first day of classroom instruction. A notice will also appear on the home page of your MyTradesecrets account.
  • To establish that you are “Unemployed in the Trade” if you have not already done so, upload your Notice of Release of Apprenticeship Education Agreement card (Release Card) to your MyTradesecrets account.
  • Your Release Card will be processed within five (5) business days. Once processed, you can proceed to provide your consent and declaration for the award under the Awards and Scholarships tab in your MyTradesecrets account.
  • Once your eligibility has been verified, Student Aid Alberta will mail a cheque to the address listed in your MyTradesecrets account.

I attended a period of classroom instruction and am currently attending the next period. Can I apply for two awards?

  • Yes. The ability to apply will appear twice in your MyTradesecrets account - once for each period of classroom instruction. For more detail see “How do I apply for the award?” 

Can I receive the award more than once?

  • Eligible apprentices can receive the Apprentice Training Award once per training period, to a maximum of four times during your lifetime.

What if I made an error in submitting my Social Insurance Number (SIN) in MyTradesecrets?

  • Log into your MyTradesecrets account and look under the Applications tab.

    • If you only have one application, you will see a blue Update My Consent / SIN button under your Applications tab.

    • Click the button and a window will pop up with an option to View / Change SIN.

    • Upon selecting this option, you will be able to correct your SIN number.

    • Once your new SIN number has been entered, click the Submit button to save all changes.

  • If you have more than one application, click the Details button beside your apprenticeship application to show the blue Update My Consent / SIN button.

How do I change my consent for being considered for awards and scholarships?

  • Apprentices have the ability to update their consent preferences in their MyTradesecrets account under the Applications tab.

Is the award given automatically if my personal information is already on file?

  • No. To receive the award, you must provide the specific information required when you are prompted to do so in your MyTradesecrets account.

Can I request a review of the decision if my application has been refused?

  • If you feel you have extenuating circumstances that may impact the decision, send a detailed email summarizing the situation to the AT Award email for review to


How long do I have to apply?

  • You have up to five (5) days after the end of your classroom instruction to provide your consent, Social Insurance Number and make a legal declaration.

When will eligible apprentices get paid after they submit their information?

  • After the apprentice submits all of the required information, a cheque should arrive in the mail within 30 days.

Receiving Your Award

Can the Apprentice Training Award be direct deposited?

  • No, Alberta Student Aid will mail the cheque to the address provided in your MyTradesecrets account.

What if I have provided all of the requested information in MyTradesecrets and then decide that I no longer want to apply for the Apprentice Training Award?

  • If you want to cancel your application, contact AIT at 1-800-248-4823 or send an email to 
  • If you have already received the award cheque and do not want to accept the award, you may mail the cheque back to Alberta Student Aid

What if I do not want to supply the requested information?

  • Applying for the Apprentice Training Award is optional. If you do not provide the requested information, you will not receive the award. The award does not affect your status as an apprentice if you choose to not apply.

What if I choose not to supply the requested information and then change my mind and want to apply?

  • If you have not yet applied, the ability to apply will exist in your MyTradesecrets account until five (5) days after the end of your classroom instruction.

What should I do if there is nothing showing in my MyTradesecrets account to permit me to apply and I think I may be eligible?

  • A detailed email summarizing the situation can be sent to for review.

I have not received my cheque in the mail. What should I do?


Will this money affect my Employment Insurance (EI) benefits?

  • Funds received from the Apprentice Training Award are not considered earnings for EI purposes so will not impact an apprentice’s EI claim.  Apprentices can contact Service Canada to obtain further details and discuss an individual circumstance or claim. 

Is the AT Award taxable?

  • The Apprentice Training Award is provided as an incentive for apprentices who are “Unemployed in the Trade” to attend classroom instruction and to continue to progress in their apprenticeship.  The award is tax exempt.  A tax slip will be issued by Alberta Advanced Education.

I want to provide consent for future awards and scholarships. How do I do this?

  • You can give your consent for future awards and scholarships in the Applications tab in your MyTradesecrets account. If you only have one application, you will see a Consent Statement box on your Applications tab. Click the blue Update button. If you consent, you will be asked to provide your Social Insurance Number.
  • If you have more than one application, click the Details button beside your apprenticeship application. You will then see a Consent Statement box. Click the blue Update button. If you consent, you will be asked to provide your Social Insurance Number.

What if I need this money up-front in order to register for school?

  • You are required to pay for the cost of classroom instruction when you register. The Apprentice Training Award is paid to eligible apprentices after classroom instruction has begun. The money you receive should be used to reimburse yourself for tuition, books and living expenses that you had while you were attending classroom instruction. 

What happens if I submit a false claim?

This award is designated to help apprentices who have been “Unemployed in the Trade” for at least 30 consecutive days immediately prior to the start of classroom instruction.

Providing false, misleading or inaccurate information could require you to repay the award. You will not be eligible for all future awards or scholarships administered by Apprenticeship and Industry Training until such amount is repaid.

Where can I find more information on the Apprentice Training Award?

Contact us with any questions