Apprentice Services

High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
Classroom Instruction
    Enrolment Instructions
        Registration Dates
    Class Catalogue
    About Classroom Instruction
        Delivery Method and Type
        Tuition and Fees
        Class Locations
        Special Accommodations
    Exam Counselling Sheets
    Exam Bookings
    Challenge an Exam
    Exam Accommodations
    What to Bring
    Study Tips for Success
    AIT Training Plan
Financial Support
    Student Loans and Grants
        Pre-employment students
    Employment Insurance
        High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
        Pre-Apprentice Scholarships
        AIT Scholarships
        Top Apprentice Scholarships
        World Skills Legacy Scholarship
        Scholarship Donors
    Apprentice Training Award
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Confirming Your Eligibility
    Consent to be Considered
Maintain your Records
Request a Document
Relocate between Provinces
Extra Supports
    Virtual Learning Strategist
    Supports for Apprentices with Disabilities

High School Apprenticeship Scholarships

The High School Apprenticeship Scholarship program recognizes the accomplishments of Alberta high school students completing the Registered Apprenticeship Program or the Career and Technology Studies pathway.

 The goal is to encourage more students to explore trades education as a path to good-paying professional jobs that will provide financial stability and help meet future labour market demands.

Providing/updating your consent

This scholarship program is one that you don’t even have to apply to be eligible! All you need to do is consent and provide your Social Insurance Number (SIN) – it’s that easy!

Go in and double-check that all the information needed is there so you don’t miss out on potential financial support. Go to your MyTradesecrets account and click on the Applications tab to provide or update your consent and SIN. If you have more than one active application, click on Details in the right-hand column to update your information.

How to apply

Apprentices do not need to apply for these scholarships. Recipients will be notified by November 1 of each year if they have met the scholarship requirements. Apprentices must keep their MyTradesecrets profile up-to-date, including their mailing address.


To qualify for the High School Apprenticeship Scholarship ($1,000), applicants must: 

  • be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person (Visa students are not eligible),
  • be an Alberta resident as defined by the address on file in MyTradesecrets,
  • complete the requirements for a high school diploma in June of their graduating year,
  • be registered as an apprentice and earning high school credits in the Registered Apprenticeship Program OR have successfully completed a Career and Technology Studies apprenticeship pathway through an Alberta high school, and
  • not be a previous RAP/CTS Scholarship recipient. 

To qualify for the High School Apprenticeship Scholarship - Bright Futures ($2,000), applicants must: 

  • meet all of the above requirements, and
  • be registered as an Alberta apprentice in the Registered Apprenticeship Program AND have successfully completed a CTS Apprenticeship Pathway at an Alberta high school. 

Receiving your scholarship cheque 

Cheques will be mailed to the address in the recipient's MyTradesecrets profile by November 1. 

Private sector donors 

Funds for 27 of the High School Apprenticeship Scholarships were provided through contributions from the private sector and the Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund. For more information about these private sector contributors, see Scholarship Donors. 


Names of these recipients will be made public after they are notified of their award. 

High School Apprenticeship Scholarship - Bright Future recipients:

High School Apprenticeship Scholarship recipients

Recipient High Schools 

Thanks to the high school and off-campus coordinators who dedicate their time to work with students: the Registered Apprenticeship Program and Career and Technology Studies programs in Alberta are strong and continue to grow.

Recipient high schools are listed below, along with the number of recipients, in brackets.   

Previous scholarship information  

Past Registered Apprenticeship Program / Career and Technology Studies Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to Alberta’s RAP/CTS Scholarship recipients:  


Contact us with any questions