Become Certified

Qualify for Alberta Certification
About Journeyperson Certification
Start as an Apprentice
Qualify on Work Hours
    Program Details
    Foreign National Workers
    Document Translation
    Exam Information and Preparation
Qualify on Certification
    Program Details
        Trades with Practical Exams and Fees
Qualify on Training
    Program Details
Out-of-Province Certification
    Recognized Credentials
        Out-of-Province Canadian Credentials
        Out-of-Country Credentials
        Canadian Forces Credentials
Red Seal Endorsement
    Red Seal Trades in Alberta
    Non-Red Seal Trades in Alberta
Earn your Blue Seal
    Approved Subject Areas
    Training Providers
    Programs of Study
Replace a Certificate

Qualify based on certification from outside Alberta

Apply for the Trades Qualifier - Recognized Credential program to qualify for your Alberta Journeyperson Certificate if:

  • you have a recognized trade certificate that you earned outside of Alberta, and 
  • you want to qualify for an Alberta Journeyperson Certificate. 

Visit our recognized credentials directory to see if your certificate is recognized.

If your certificate is recognized, you can work in your trade anywhere in Alberta. You do not need to apply for this program or register with us unless you want an Alberta Journeyperson Certificate.

  • An Alberta Journeyperson Certificate is required if you want to write a Red Seal exam in your trade in Alberta. 
  • The Alberta Journeyperson Certificate is well-recognized and respected by employers across the province.  


To apply, you must:

How it Works

Detailed, step-by-step program information is available here. An overview is provided below. 

1. Submit an online application with a copy of your trade certificate. 

We will verify your certificate with the issuing jurisdiction. 

2. Complete your exam(s)

Pass a theory exam to demonstrate that you have the knowledge and understanding required for your trade. A practical exam is also required in some trades

 Learn more

Contact us with any questions

Are you a final-period apprentice, certified journeyperson, supervisor, employer, trainer, or member of a stakeholder organization with knowledge of one or more skilled trades or Alberta's apprenticeship system?

Join the My Skilled Trades Network and help shape the future of your trade!

Once you respond, we won't ask you again during this session.