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Registered Apprenticeship Program
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Start in High School
    Registered Apprenticeship Program
    Career and Technology Studies
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Registered Apprenticeship Program

Learn and practice your future trade while you are in high school!

Earn dual credit – toward your high school diploma and toward your journeyperson certification, at the same time.  

How it Works

RAP students are both full-time high school students and registered apprentices.

Divide your time between:

  • your school, to take courses such as English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Social Studies to meet the requirements of high school graduation, and
  • an approved work site, for on-the-job training in a trade of your choice.

As you work, you will earn:

  • at least minimum wage,
  • up to 41 high school credits (40 RAP credits, plus 1 CTS safety credit), and
  • on-the-job training hours toward an apprenticeship program.

After you complete high school,

  • continue working in your trade to earn additional on-the-job hours required to complete the full apprenticeship education program in your trade,
  • attend and pass in-class training at a post-secondary institution between and 6 and 12 weeks per year of the program, depending on the trade,
  • pass the required exam at the end of each year of your program, and
  • complete your apprenticeship program to earn your journeyperson certification and apprenticeship education credential.

Get Started

RAP is open to senior high school students aged 15 and older with the informed consent of a parent or guardian. 

1. Complete prerequisite course:

  • Required: HCS3000: Workplace Safety Systems.
  • Recommended: HCS3010: Workplace Safety Practices, Career Internship 10

2. Explore careers and trades:

  • Investigate trades through part-time jobs, Career Internship 10, work experience courses, or by exploring our Trade Profiles.

3. Find an employer: Find an employer in your chosen trade who is willing to:

  1. take you on as a RAP apprentice,
  2. ensure you are supervised by a qualified journeyperson, and
  3. pay you at least minimum wage.

4. Get your school’s approval:

  • Work with your school’s off-campus teacher to have your worksite approved and develop a learning plan in consultation with your employer.

5. Apply to become an Apprentice:

  • Complete the free online RAP application with Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) to receive your Record Book (also known as your Blue Book).
  • Learn more about applying here.

6. Earn High School Credit:

  • Inform your school’s RAP coordinator once you’ve received your Record Book from AIT.
  • You will earn one high school credit for every 25 hours of on-the-job training.

RAP Courses

  • Courses are trade-specific and must be taken sequentially (e.g.,15-25-35)
  • Each course (e.g., RAP 15) involves 125 hours of on-the-job training, worth 5 high school credits each.



  • Balance school and work
  • Maintain passing grades
  • Be punctual and complete tasks as assigned on the job
  • Follow safety regulations.


  • Provide training, supervision, and compensation
  • Maintain contact with the off-campus teacher for performance assessments


  • Develop learning plan
  • Monitor progress
  • Ensure prerequisites are completed

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