Apprentice Services

Student Loans and Grants for Apprentices
Classroom Instruction
    Enrolment Instructions
        Registration Dates
    Class Catalogue
    About Classroom Instruction
        Delivery Method and Type
        Tuition and Fees
        Class Locations
        Special Accommodations
    Exam Counselling Sheets
    Exam Bookings
    Challenge an Exam
    Exam Accommodations
    What to Bring
    Study Tips for Success
    AIT Training Plan
Financial Support
    Student Loans and Grants
        Pre-employment students
    Employment Insurance
        High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
        Pre-Apprentice Scholarships
        AIT Scholarships
        Top Apprentice Scholarships
        World Skills Legacy Scholarship
        Scholarship Donors
    Apprentice Training Award
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Confirming Your Eligibility
    Consent to be Considered
Maintain your Records
Request a Document
Relocate between Provinces
Extra Supports
    Virtual Learning Strategist
    Supports for Apprentices with Disabilities

Student Loans and Grants for Apprentices

Apprentices can apply for student loans and grants from both the provincial and federal governments. 

Students in pre-employment programs can also apply for loans and grants through Alberta Student Aid. These students cannot receive funding from the Government of Canada.

Alberta Loans and Grants

Alberta Loans and Grants


To be eligible for loan and grant funding from the Government of Alberta as an apprentice, you must:

You must also meet the basic eligibility criteria for full-time or part-time Alberta post-secondary students. 

You are eligible to receive a lifetime loan maximum of $75,000 as a registered apprentice.

Apply for funding

Apprentices can apply for student loans and grants through Alberta Student Aid. Submit your application at least 2 months before your first day of classes. The latest you can apply is 30 days before the end of the classroom instruction period for which you are applying.

Learn more about how to apply for student aid.

Full-time Apprentice

Full-time apprentices can apply online for funding.  Ensure you select the following when completing your application:

  • Program: your apprenticeship
  • Program specialization: your specific trade

Part-time Apprentice

Part-time apprentices taking Weekly Apprenticeship Training (WATs) or Distance Delivery must complete and mail in a Part-Time Application form

Special considerations

Switching trades does not affect your eligibility for funding as long as you remain an AIT-registered apprentice.

If you withdraw from your studies within the first 30 days of your classroom instruction period, you must pay back any grant money you received, along with your student loans after you are no longer a registered apprentice.

Interest and payments

As long as you are a registered apprentice your current and previous Alberta student loans remain interest-free for the duration of your apprenticeship, including classroom and on-the-job instruction. During this time you do not have to make payments on your loans, and they will not accrue interest.

You have a 12-month interest-free grace period if you:

  • are no longer registered as an apprentice, or
  • are a non-progressing apprentice, or
  • have obtained your journeyperson certificate.

Following this grace period, your Alberta loans begin gaining interest and you must start repaying them.

You can continue making loan payments while you are an active apprentice through Alberta Student Aid - MyLoan.

Learn more about repaying student loans.

For more information, contact the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre.

Federal Loans and Grants

Federal Loans and Grants

The Government of Canada provides federal funding for apprentices, including:

Federal apprentice loans and grants must be applied for separately from provincial funding, through the Government of Canada.


* Note: The AIG and ACG will end March 31, 2025. Applications will not be accepted after this date.

Contact us with any questions

Are you a final-period apprentice, certified journeyperson, supervisor, employer, trainer, or member of a stakeholder organization with knowledge of one or more skilled trades or Alberta's apprenticeship system?

Join the My Skilled Trades Network and help shape the future of your trade!

Once you respond, we won't ask you again during this session.