Apprentice Services

Exam Accommodations
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Exam Accommodations

Exam Accommodations

If you have a disability identified by a qualified assessor, you can access services that will support you in accessing an accommodation when attempting your exams. You are still responsible to develop the essential skills and competencies expected of all tradespeople.

You may have the exam supported with one or more of the following;

  • tutor,
  • scribe,
  • deaf interpreter,
  • audio format,
  • a person to read the assessment,
  • extra time, or
  • a private room when available. 

To be considered for an accommodation during an AIT exam, please contact your AIT office for instructions. You will be required to:

  1. Obtain documentation of your disability from a qualified assessor (e.g. doctor, psychologist, ophthalmologist, etc).
  2. Bring your documentation into your AIT office in person.
  3. Fill out a Disclosure to Consent form and an Accommodation form (provided in person at the office).

All medical documentation will be returned to you. 

For general inquiries regarding accommodation services offered by AIT, please call the AIT Information Line at 1-800-248-4823, Monday to Friday, 8:15 - 4:30 pm, except for holidays.

Interpreter/Reader for exams

For industry exams outside of the apprenticeship program, AIT may support the use of interpreters or readers for clients who, because of a language barrier or accommodation requirement, are unable to access and successfully participate in the examination.

Additional information can be found in the following links:


Contact us with any questions