Trades in Alberta

Who can work in a designated trade?
Trade Profiles
Check Your Tradesperson’s Certificate
Learn about Trade Designation
    Who can work in a designated trade?

Who can work in a designated trade?

Trades with Restricted Activities

Most of Alberta's designated trades include 'restricted activities', which are specific tasks and functions that Alberta requires tradespeople to meet certain criteria in order to perform. 

To work in a trade with restricted activities, you must be:

In compulsory certification tradesjourneyperson certification or a recognized trade certificate is required to be considered qualified.  

In optional certification trades, uncertified individuals who are deemed qualified by their employers are also authorized to perform restricted activities. 

  • A person who is deemed qualified is any individual who does not hold a trade certificate in the designated trade but who, in the opinion of the individual’s employer, possesses the skills and knowledge in performing the restricted activity expected of an individual who holds a trade certificate in the designated trade.

Review the trade profile for your trade to determine which activities in your trade are restricted and whether you are authorized to approve them. 

More information on restricted activities can be found in the Information Sheet.

Trades without Restricted Activities

Some designated trades have no restricted activities, meaning anyone can work within the trades, regardless of registration, experience, or certification. A list of these trades can be found here