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Gas Utility Operator

Photo/Video Credit

Gas utility operators install and service gas utility pipeline systems that transport natural gas from the source to points of use such as building meter sets.

Duties and responsibilities vary from one job to another but, in general, gas utility operators:

  • interpret prints and specifications to determine the location, size and materials required to install gas mains,
  • install and maintain cathodic protection to prevent corrosion in steel and aluminum pipes,
  • locate underground gas systems and conduct routine surveys of gas mains and distribution lines to detect and locate escaping gas,
  • carry out routine gas system maintenance functions,
  • operate and maintain regulating, measuring and odorizing facilities,
  • provide information about underground gas distribution lines and observe excavation work to ensure that underground gas facilities are protected,
  • investigate gas leaks to determine the exact location and extent of leaks,
  • use equipment to expose gas lines and repair damaged pipes, and
  • keep detailed records of work performed, and the location and condition of pipelines.

Program Information

Program Information & Requirements
Trades Qualifier

Earn a Journeyperson Certificate through a Trades Qualifier program. 

Trades Qualifier - Work Experience Program

The requirements for a Gas Utility Operator are:

Trades Qualifier - Recognized Training Program 

The requirements for a Gas Utility Operator are:

  • Successful completion and verification of ONE of the below:
    • a recognized credential similar to the Gas Utility Operator trade issued from another jurisdiction, OR
    • a Gas Utility Operator - Level 2 Certificate from the Federation of Alberta Co-Ops, with a minimum of 24 months AND 3,400 hours of work experience.
  • A successful theory exam.

Program Credit

Category Information

Supporting Resources

Description / Resources
Trade Information Get important information about the duties, working conditions, and skills and abilities needed to work in this trade. (You will be re-directed to the alis website.)
Job Information View job postings in this trade, and learn about the current job market, average wage and resources for finding a job. (You will be re-directed to the alis website.)
Competency Outline Get information on all of the program requirements and what you will learn.
Examinations Get exam counselling sheets for your upcoming apprenticeship, interprovincial or qualification exam.
Legislation For more information regarding undertakings, activities, and certification requirements, please review the Designated Trades and Restricted Activities Regulation and the Designated Trades’ Activities and Certification Requirements Order.