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Well Testing Services Supervisor (All Levels)

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Alberta is no longer accepting applications for certification in this trade.

  • Certification is not required to work or train.
  • The trade remains designated, and existing certifications remain valid.
  • This does not impact availability of training, which is managed by industry.

Well testing is the process where well data is collected in order to determine reservoir deliverability and for identifying produced fluids as an essential requirement for producing companies to meet business performance requirements.Well testing services supervisor, levels three, four and five, are available for certification under the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act (Level Five is the highest level):

  • Well testing services supervisor - level three: Supervisors operate in a complex environment with additional equipment on site. In addition to conventional well testing they conduct well workovers and completions. Work is conducted in a hazardous environment where sour gas is present and in wells with higher shut in pressure (less than or equal to 34.5 MPA (5000psi)).
  • Well testing services supervisor - level four: Supervisors operate in an even more complex environment, with multi-stage separation and multiple other equipment to conduct well testing, workovers and completions. Work is conducted in an increased hazardous environment where the well is designated as critical sour. Crews supervised are larger in number with significantly increased responsibilities.
  • Well testing services supervisor - level five: Supervisors operate at the highest skill level, with project management capability to work with multiple other companies to organize and supervise large well testing projects at multiple sites. Supervisors at this level work on wells where the well pressures are more than or equal to 34.5 MPA (5000 psi).

Program Information

Program Information & Requirements
Trades Qualifier

You can earn a Journeyperson Certificate based on:

Recognized Training

The requirements for a Well Testing Services Supervisor, depending on the branch, are as follows:

  • Level 3 branch:
    • Enform (Energy Safety Canada) Certificate for Well Testing Services Supervisor - Level 3
  • Level 4 branch:
    • Enform (Energy Safety Canada) Certificate for Well Testing Services Supervisor - Level 4
  • Level 5 branch:
    • Enform (Energy Safety Canada) Certificate for Well Testing Services Supervisor - Level 5

Program Credit

Category Information

Supporting Resources

Description / Resources
Trade Information Get important information about the duties, working conditions, and skills and abilities needed to work in this trade. (You will be re-directed to the alis website.)
Job Information View job postings in this trade, and learn about the current job market, average wage and resources for finding a job. (You will be re-directed to the alis website.)
Competency Outline Get information on all of the program requirements and what you will learn.
Legislation For more information regarding undertakings, activities, and certification requirements, please review the Designated Trades and Restricted Activities Regulation and the Designated Trades’ Activities and Certification Requirements Order.