Become Certified

Learn about Journeyperson Certification
Journeyperson Certification
Become an Apprentice
Qualify on Work Hours
    Program Details
    Foreign National Workers
    Document Translation
    Exam Information and Preparation
Qualify on Certification
    Program Details
        Trades with Practical Exams and Fees
Qualify on Training
    Program Details
Work in Alberta with Out-of-Province Certification
    Recognized Credentials
        Out-of-Province Canadian Credentials
        Out-of-Country Credentials
        Canadian Forces Credentials
Red Seal Endorsement
    Red Seal Trades in Alberta
    Non-Red Seal Trades in Alberta
Earn your Blue Seal
    Approved Subject Areas
    Training Providers
    Programs of Study
Replace a Certificate

Journeyperson Certification

Albertans trust and value the work of certified journeypersons. In Alberta, you can earn a journeyperson certificate in more than 50 designated trades, spanning many industries including mechanical, electrical, automotive, manufacturing, building, and service. 

Journeyperson certification is your ticket to work.

  • Most designated trades in Alberta have restrictions on who is authorized to perform certain trade-related activities.
  • If you have your journeyperson certificate, you can work in the full scope of your trade, anywhere in Alberta.

The Alberta Board of Skilled Trades sets requirements for journeyperson certification in consultation with working experts in the trade. 

  • Meeting these standards and earning your Alberta Journeyperson Certificate shows that you have achieved a high level of competency and knowledge in your field.
  • Trades employers rely on the assurance journeyperson certification provides them that they are hiring highly skilled workers who have the competencies they need for their business. 

Certification requirements for each trade are outlined in Schedule 2 of the Designated Trades’ Activities and Certification Requirements Order.

Review the 'Program Information' section of the Trade Profile to see which programs are available to complete a requirement stream and become eligible for journeyperson certification in your trade. 

Start here to learn a new trade and earn your journeyperson certification.

Start here to have your skills and knowledge verified to qualify for journeyperson certification as an experienced worker.


Contact us with any questions