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Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic)

Learn more about this trade on the alis website.

  • Wage and Salary
  • Job Postings
  • Duties and Working Conditions
  • Interests, Abilities, Traits, and Skills
  • Career Advancement

Lathers (interior systems mechanics) install a wide variety of wall and ceiling systems and exterior finishes, bringing various buildings to a completed state.On a typical job, lathers (interior systems mechanics):

  • read blueprints and work as a team with architects, engineers and associated trades to bring a project to completion;
  • install metal framing for walls, partitions, ceiling systems and ornamental detail;
  • apply base materials for stucco finishes including Styrofoam, stucco wire and metal lath, and apply various stucco finishes;
  • work with other trades to accommodate the installation of heating, plumbing, electrical and millwork;
  • install metal doors, window frames, access doors and insulation;
  • erect demountable partitions and various suspended ceilings as used in commercial office space;
  • install and finish drywall on commercial, residential and industrial projects; and
  • install load-bearing steel wall and floor systems used in the construction of non-combustible buildings.

Those authorized to perform the restricted activities of this designated trade include:

  • Sponsored Apprentices,
  • Certified Journeypersons
  • Individuals deemed qualified by their employer, and
  • Self-Employed individuals.

For complete information, see Restricted Activities and Classes of Individuals.

Program Information

Program Information & Requirements
  • The term of apprenticeship for a lather (interior systems mechanic) is 3 years (three 12-month periods) including a minimum of 1560 hours of on-the-job training and 8 weeks of classroom instruction in each first, second and third years.
  • Classroom instruction for this apprenticeship program is currently suspended. Information about this suspension and how you can continue to progress in your apprenticeship is available here.
  • Apprentices are expected to demonstrate progress in their apprenticeship program within 18 months by engaging in an activity that will lead to the completion of a period of the program.
  • Apprentices may attempt the Interprovincial Exam in the final period of their apprenticeship training and, if successful, be granted a Red Seal.
  • Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship program, the apprentice will receive a journeyperson certificate and an educational credential (Diploma).
Trades Qualifier

You can earn a Journeyperson Certificate based on: Work Experience The requirements for a Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic) are:

  • A minimum of 54 months AND 7,020 hours of work experience.
  • A successful theory exam.
  • An Employer Declaration Letter (EDL).

Recognized CredentialsThe requirements for a Lather (Interior Systems Mechanic) are:

  • A valid recognized credential from another jurisdiction.
  • A successful theory exam.

Program Credit

Category Information
High School Credit

Supporting Resources

Description / Resources
Trade Information Get important information about the duties, working conditions, and skills and abilities needed to work in this trade. (You will be re-directed to the alis website.)
Job Information View job postings in this trade, and learn about the current job market, average wage and resources for finding a job. (You will be re-directed to the alis website.)
Entrance Requirement You must satisfy the educational requirements or pass the entrance exam to start an apprenticeship program. If you are writing the entrance exam, there are entrance-level competencies to help you prepare, as well as an exam counselling sheet and study guide.
Curriculum Guide Get information on all of the program requirements and what you will learn.
Classroom Instruction View a list of currently scheduled classes.
Financial Assistance Student loans, grants, scholarships and other financial assistance may be available. For more information visit our Financial Assistance section, visit an Apprenticeship and Industry Training office or call toll-free to 1-800-248-4823.
Examinations Get exam counselling sheets for your upcoming apprenticeship, interprovincial or qualification exam.
Legislation For more information regarding undertakings, activities, and certification requirements, please review the Designated Trades and Restricted Activities Regulation and the Designated Trades’ Activities and Certification Requirements Order.