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Frequently Asked Questions


What does AIT mean?

AIT is the abbreviation for Apprenticeship and Industry Training.

What AIT office am I assigned to?

To see which AIT office currently holds your file, log into your MyTradesecrets account, click on the Applications Tab, and select the Details link.

How do I receive financial support for an apprenticeship?

Registered Alberta apprentices may be eligible for financial assistance when attending the classroom instruction portion of their programs.

  • Alberta Student Aid provides loans and grants to apprentices registered in the Alberta apprenticeship program with Apprenticeship and Industry Training who are attending an approved classroom instruction program as a full-time student.
  • Advancing Futures is an Alberta funding and support program for current and former youth in government care, aged 18-24, who wish to pursue post-secondary studies, including apprenticeship training. 
  • The federal government provides apprentices registered in Red Seal trades with interest-free loans to assist with the cost of classroom instruction.
  • During periods of classroom instruction, apprentices are able to claim Employment Insurance (EI).

How do I update my address or phone number?

Navigate to your Profile, then select Update My Profile. Enter the new information and save. If your mailing address is not in Canada, choose the country using one of the buttons at the top.


What year of apprenticeship am I in?

Click on Applications, then on Details. You will see the Current Period under the Program Summary information.

Why was my apprenticeship cancelled?

There are many reasons why apprenticeships can be cancelled, so it’s best to discuss your situation with someone in the AIT office. Click on Profile to get the phone number. Call during office hours so they can answer your questions and help get you reinstated.

Can I have two apprenticeships?

Yes, you can be an apprentice in more than one trade. Contact your AIT office for more information and to get help with your application.

Can I switch programs?

Contact the AIT office to see what options are available.

How many hours do I need to progress?

Navigate to your Record Book and look at the current period for the minimum number of hours you have to spend on the job in that period.

How many hours do I currently have on file?

Your Record Book is updated by your sponsor throughout the year. When you submit your record book to your AIT office, the On the Job training hours will be updated in our system.

What is my completion date?

Navigate to your Record Book and look at the expected completion dates for each period.

What percentage of a Journeyperson’s wage am I entitled to?

The wage percentages vary for each trade. Access wage information by looking up a specific trade on the trades profiles page at The trade profiles will redirect to with further information on general salary range and wage percentages per year of on-the-job training.


When is my next class?

Navigate to Schedule to see where your class will be held. Select View Location to find the campus on a map. You will also receive a reminder letter that will provide the room and building location.

Where is my next class?

Navigate to Schedule to see the assigned room and campus where your class will be held. Select View Location to find the campus on a map.

How do I schedule my next class?

On or after your registration date:

  1. Log into your MyTradesecrets account.
  2. Select the Class Registrations tab. Available classes you are eligible for will be listed. You can sort your classes by a variety of factors including date, seat availability and location.
  3. Click on the REGISTER button or the MANUAL REGISTRATION LINK. Both will take you to the training provider's page, where you will find relevant registration information. 

Further details.

What classes are available?

Schedules of upcoming classes are available on Tradesecrets website in the Class Catalouge. Select your trade and desired training calendar year.


Has my record book been updated yet?

Click on Record Book and look at the actual completion date. This shows when your record book was last updated. If the completion date isn’t filled in and you have met all the requirements for your current period, please send your record book to your assigned AIT office for updating.

I need to replace my record book, ID card, certificate, or document. How do I get a new one?

You can replace lost or damaged documents issued by AIT by submitting a Certificate/Document Replacement Application online.

Click on Applications and then on the green New Application button to start the application process.

Has my certificate been issued yet?

Click on Application and you will see the status of your application. Once your status is Complete – Certified, you will be able to view your certificate information by clicking on the blue View certifications button.


Has AIT received my application?

Once your application has been submitted with the applicable fee, you will receive an email confirming your application has been received.

How do I check the status of my application?

You can check the status of your application in MyTradesecrets on the Applications page. If you have specific questions regarding your status, contact an AIT office.

How do I upload my documents (record book, employer letters, etc.) to MyTradesecrets?

See the Upload Document page on Tradesecrets for step-by-step instructions on how to add documents to your file.


My employment situation has changed. How do I notify AIT?

When you leave a sponsor, complete and submit a Notice of Release form.

When you begin with a new sponsor, complete and submit a Request for Approval of Apprenticeship Education Agreement form.

These forms can be downloaded from the Tradesecrets website. Click on Regulations & Resources (in the top menu), Forms and Templates (In the left-hand menu), and then open the “For Registered Apprentices” section.

If you change employers but your sponsor remains the same, no action is required.

What is my EI reference code?

The EI reference code for Apprenticeship can be found on your Class Registration letter. You can view your Class Registration letter by logging into your MyTradesecrets account, clicking on the Applications Tab, and selecting the Details link.


When is my next exam?

Click on Schedule to see when and where you need to be.

How do I reschedule an exam?

If you are unable to attend, you need to call your assigned AIT office as soon as possible.

How do I challenge an exam?

To talk about the options and requirements for challenging an exam, please call your assigned AIT office.

Why do I have to write an entrance exam?

An entrance exam is required if you didn’t meet the minimum entrance requirements for the trade.

What were my marks from the last exam?

Click on Marks and look at the bottom of the page. The classes and exams are in date order for each period, so you may need to scroll down to the last exam. Click on the Show Breakdown button to see the mark for each section.