Apprentice Services

Class Delivery
Classroom Instruction
    Registration Instructions
        Registration Dates
    Class Catalogue
    About Classroom Instruction
        Delivery Method and Type
        Tuition and Fees
        Class Locations
        Special Accommodations
    Exam Counselling Sheets
    Exam Bookings
    Challenge an Exam
    Exam Accommodations
    What to Bring
    Study Tips for Success
    AIT Training Plan
Financial Support
    Student Loans and Grants
        Pre-employment students
    Employment Insurance
        High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
        Pre-Apprentice Scholarships
        AIT Scholarships
        Top Apprentice Scholarships
        World Skills Legacy Scholarship
        Scholarship Donors
    Apprentice Training Award
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Confirming Your Eligibility
    Consent to be Considered
Maintain your Records
Request a Document
Relocate between Provinces
Virtual Learning Strategist

Delivery Method and Type

Look for the Delivery Method and Type in the class catalogue to find out what to expect when you enroll. Learning outcomes are the same regardless of delivery.  

Delivery Methods: How course materials are presented.

Standard Class Delivery

  • Is the traditional method of apprenticeship classroom instruction delivery in Alberta.
    • Theory component of classroom instruction is delivered in person. 
    • Practical portion of classroom instruction takes place at the shop facilities of the institution. 
  • The instructor is expected to teach the apprenticeship class over a fixed time period. 
    • This is instructor-led throughout the course.

Blended Learning

  • Is intended to provide flexibility and accessibility to apprenticeship education programs requiring a higher level of self-directed learning with instructor support.
  • By definition, blended learning delivery may be synchronous, meaning a scheduled, real-time interaction, or asynchronous, meaning not scheduled and on the student’s own time.
    • Classroom instruction may have some synchronous in-person and online learning.
  • Is a combination of theory delivered in person or online via e-Learning, while the practical portion of classroom instruction takes place at the shop facilities of the institution. 
    • The e-Learning portion consists of educational materials such as digital and multimedia learning objects, simulations, videos and electronic apprentice assessments, and provides opportunities for apprentices and instructors to interact in a virtual classroom wherever the students are. 
    • e-Learning may happen at a specific time or at a flexible time as determined by the instructor.
    • The e-Learning interactive elements may be used in conjunction with Individual Learning Modules (ILMs).
    • Contact your post-secondary about how or if blended delivery is available for your program. 

Competency Based Apprenticeship Training (CBAT) Modules

  • objectives that must be met by an apprentice are the same as with the traditional system
  • modular training – each objective in the trade course outline has a specific training module that must be successfully completed before the apprentice can proceed to the next module
  • self-paced instruction – apprentices, for the most part, complete the modules on their own with assistance from instructors and learning resources as required
  • only available for select trades

Front End (Self-Study)

  • study package the apprentice must purchase and complete prior to being scheduled for classroom instruction
  • intent is to expand the amount of training available without increasing instructional costs
  • available for Mobile Crane and Boom Truck branches of the Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operator trade
  • only available at NAIT


Delivery Types: How the period is structured.

Block Release

  • classes have fixed start and completion dates
  • apprentice leaves work and goes to school for a block of time
    • works on-the-job in their trade and once during each period of the apprenticeship program attends a post secondary institution for a set time period (usually 4 to 12 weeks depending on the trade) to complete the classroom instruction for that period

Competency-based Apprenticeship Training (CBAT)

  • open exit – training has a fixed start date but apprentices can exit the program when they have successfully completed the required modules and the apprenticeship examination
  • computer technology is used for record keeping and examination generation
  • exit date may vary for each apprentice depending on how quickly or slowly the individual is able to master the objectives of the program
    • apprentice can only extend the training 2 weeks longer than what is allowed under the traditional program, e.g., if the traditional course is 8 weeks, an apprentice taking a class delivered using CBAT could extend the period of training to 10 weeks, if required
    • time limit was imposed:
      • because of the large number of apprentices to be trained and the resulting financial implications to the government, and
      • to allow employers the ability to schedule their workloads properly for the apprentice's return to work
    • apprentice who completes all requirements sooner than the traditional 8 weeks, may return to work sooner or remain in classroom instruction and benefit from having more time with the instructor and the instructional resource


  • training may have flexible start and completion dates
  • modular training delivered to remote locations using telecommunication technologies
  • apprentices complete theory modules outside the regular classroom but must attend the training establishment for a period of time, either during the day or possibly during evenings or weekends, to complete the laboratory or practical competencies
  • objective of distance delivery method is to reduce the amount of time an apprentice has to spend away from the work site or home
  • requires effective training establishment support
  • apprentice is required to:
    • be eligible to attend classroom instruction
    • be interviewed by the training provider's staff
    • enter into a learning contract with the training establishment
    • pay the same tuition fee as other apprentices
    • purchase the specified learning materials directly from the training establishment
    • have access to a computer and the internet
  • instructor support is available by phone, fax or the internet through the training establishment
  • arrangements for supervision of examinations may be made locally or at the training provider's campus


  • training delivered wherever the training is required (rather than delivery only at the training provider's permanent location)
  • can offer a variety of intakes at various times to better serve industry's needs
  • registration is done at the institute responsible for providing the training

Weekly Apprenticeship Training System (WATS)

  • formerly known as 'Day Release'
  • training is offered in shorter segments over an extended period of time
  • allows the apprentice to remain employed on a full-time basis
  • essentially requires the apprentices to be in relative proximity to the training establishment for easy commute
Contact us with any questions