Apprentice Services

World Skills Legacy Scholarship
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    What to Bring
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Financial Support
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        Pre-employment students
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        High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
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        AIT Scholarships
        Top Apprentice Scholarships
        World Skills Legacy Scholarship
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Apprentice Record Book
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    New Record Book
Sponsorship Agreements
Documents and Forms
Mobility between Provinces
Extra Supports
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    Supports for Apprentices with Disabilities

World Skills Legacy Scholarship

The Legacy of WorldSkills Calgary 2009 is the creation of Alberta government scholarships that help students and apprentices participating in provincial, national and international skills competitions further their post-secondary education and skills training.

These scholarships are sponsored by WorldSkills Calgary 2009 and are managed through the Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund.


  • WorldSkills Provincial Champion Scholarship
    $1,200 available for a top podium finish in the Provincial Skills Canada Competition

How to apply

  • Applications are not required. Alberta Advanced Education contacts eligible recipients.


Recipients must:

  • be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person (visa students are not eligible),
  • be an Alberta resident, and to be considered an Alberta resident one of the following conditions must apply:
    - one parent, or legal guardian has maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to commencing post-secondary studies and be residing in Alberta or
    - Alberta is the last place the student has lived for twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to commencing post-secondary studies or
    - the student's spouse/parent is an Alberta resident.
  • be enrolled full-time in a post-secondary program a minimum of 1 semester or 1 term of classroom instruction for apprentices, and
  • have received a letter of endorsement from Skills Canada Alberta for a top podium finish in the Provincial Skills Canada Competition.

Application process

Applicants must submit to Alberta Student Aid:

Selection process

WorldSkills Team Canada Alberta Award Only 

There are an additional 9 awards of $7,000 each available bi-annually for training to compete in the World Competitions over a period of two years. Recipients of the WorldSkills Team Canada Alberta Award are selected by Skills Canada Alberta based on students participation on Team Canada at the bi-annual World competitions.

For more information on the WorldSkills Legacy Scholarships and Awards, visit Skills Canada Alberta.

Receiving a scholarship cheque

You are notified by Skills Canada Alberta if you are successful and will receive the scholarship when you attend or continue post-secondary education. You can use the scholarship for any post-secondary field of study. You must use the scholarship within five years of it being awarded.