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Start in High School
About Apprenticeship
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    Educational Credentials
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    Eligibility and Entrance Requirements
    Apply for Apprenticeship
    Prior Learning Assessments
Start in High School
    Registered Apprenticeship Program
    Career and Technology Studies
Sponsor an Apprentice

Start in High School

Get a jump on apprenticeship while you’re in high school!

Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
Start working in a trade and earn credit toward your high school diploma and your Journeyperson certificate at the same time.
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Career and Technology Studies (CTS)
Learn trade-specific skills from a certified journeyperson for high school credit and advanced standing toward an apprenticeship program after high school. 
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High School Apprenticeship Scholarships
Earn $1,000 to continue your apprenticeship program after high school if you participate in RAP or CTS.
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