Employer to Sponsor Transition
If you haven't changed employers for your apprenticeship since before July 20, 2022, you need to confirm your current sponsor to bring your apprenticeship in line with Alberta legislation that was not in place when you first registered with your employer.
How to confirm your sponsor
Complete these three simple steps.
- Download the form: Request for Approval of Apprenticeship Education Agreement.
- Complete the form with your sponsor to confirm you each agree to fulfill your obligations under Alberta’s Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act.
- Note: Only complete this form with your current sponsor. You will not lost credit for on-the-job hours previously completed.
- Upload your completed form to your MyTradesecrets account through the Documents tab.
Who this Impacts
This is because of legislative changes in Alberta – not because of anything you’ve done wrong.
You’re affected if:
- you registered as an apprentice before July 20, 2022, and
- you have not submitted a Notice of Acceptance transfer form to change employers/sponsors since then.
If this is you, submission is required even if you have not changed sponsors or employers.
Submit ASAP
We can’t accept new record book submissions containing any hours worked until we get your form.
- As of July 20, 2024, you are considered an Unsponsored Apprentice until we receive and approve your completed form.
- You’re still a registered apprentice, and you won’t lose any hours or other progress in your program.
- Once we’ve approved your form, you can submit your record book as usual.
Why is this required?
The Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship (STAE) Act, enacted on July 20, 2022, changed the requirements for organizations/companies supporting an apprentice’s on-the-job learning.
- Previously, as an apprentice, you needed to have a contract with your direct employer.
- Now, you need an agreement with a sponsor (which could be your employer or any other organization that agrees to make sure you get appropriate paid employment and on-the-job mentorship).
- Employers registered with an apprentice prior to the act coming into force were allowed to act as that apprentice’s sponsor for a two‑year transition period ending July 20, 2024.
- Now that the transition period has ended, these employers no longer have legal authority to act as a sponsor without signing the form to formally accept the role.