Apprentice Services
Sponsorship Agreements
To earn on-the-job hours, you need an Apprenticeship Education Agreement with a sponsor.
This agreement confirms that you and your sponsor agree to take on the responsibilities for your apprenticeship education program.
Start your first Sponsorship Agreement
Start an agreement during or after your online apprenticeship application.
During the apprentice registration process:
- If your sponsor verified your application online when you registered as an apprentice, you automatically entered into an agreement with that sponsor.
After registration:
- If you didn't have a sponsor yet when you registered as an apprentice, submit the Request for Approval of Apprenticeship Education Agreement (RAAEA) form once you have a sponsor. apprenticeship.
End a Sponsorship Agreement
You can leave a sponsor partway through your apprenticeship and remain a registered apprentice.
Complete and submit the Notice of Release form to end your agreement.
Notice of Release Form
Change to a New Sponsor
Change sponsors as many times as you need to throughout your apprenticeship.
- End your agreement with your previous sponsor by submitting the Notice of Release form.
- Start an agreement with your new sponsor by submitting the Request for Approval of Apprenticeship Education Agreement (RAAEA) form.
Notice of Release Form
View your sponsor on MyTradesecrets
If you're not sure who your current sponsorship agreement is with, check your MyTradesecrets account.
To confirm your approved sponsor:
- Sign in to your MyTradesecrets account.
- Click the Applications tab at the top of the screen.
- Confirm your sponsor under Program Summary
(If Program Summary does not display, first click details in the right-hand column of the table row for your apprenticeship application.)
Unsponsored Apprentices
Sponsorship is not required to register in an apprenticeship program and attend classroom instruction.
You're considered an unsponsored apprentice if:
- you register as an apprentice before you find your first sponsor, or
- you leave your sponsor (by submitting a Notice of Release), and you do not yet have a new sponsor.
As an unsponsored apprentice, you:
- remain registered in your apprenticeship program
- may attend classroom instruction
- may write exams
- cannot earn new on-the-job hours
If you are no longer pursuing your apprenticeship, please call us at 1-800-248-4823 to cancel your registration.