Become Certified

Exam Information and Preparation
About Journeyperson Certification
Become an Apprentice
Trades Qualifier for Experienced Workers
    Work Experience Program
        Program Details
        Foreign National Workers
        Document Translation
        Exam Information and Preparation
    Recognized Credential Program
        Program Details
            Trades with Practical Exams and Fees
    Recognized Training Program
        Program Details
Recognized Trade Certificates
    Recognized Credentials
        Out-of-Province Canadian Credentials
        Out-of-Country Credentials
        Canadian Forces Credentials
Red Seal Endorsement
    Red Seal Trades in Alberta
    Non-Red Seal Trades in Alberta
Blue Seal Program
    Approved Subject Areas
    Training Providers
    Programs of Study
Replace an Alberta Certificate

Exam Information and Preparation

Interpreters and Readers for Exams

You are allowed to use an interpreter or reader for your theory or practical exam at your own expense. You must receive approval from Apprenticeship and Industry Training for the interpreter or reader prior to taking the exam.

Your interpreter or reader is not allowed to have knowledge of the trade or a related trade. Check the Related Occupations for Translator, Interpreter or Reader) For additional information view the Translator/Interpreter/Reader on Exams Procedures and the Sign Language Interpreter on Exams Procedures

Visit our Policies & Procedures page for Interpreters/Readers and Special Accommodations information. 

Exam Preparation

The following study materials are available to help you prepare:

  • exam counseling sheets - providing you with a summary of questions for each topic on the related exam,
  • practice exams on the Red Seal website, and
  • the National Occupational Analysis - NOA (available for most trades).

The NOA provides:

  • the foundation document for most Trades Qualifier program written exams,
  • a specific description of the scope of the occupation, and
  • a list of commonly-used terms and in some cases, the definitions.

Glossaries of Terms are available on this site for select trades. There may be additional glossaries in the National Occupational Analysis (NOA).