AIT Policy Manual

Cancellation of Apprentice Registration
Table of Contents
Apprentice Eligibility
    Dual Apprenticeship
    Cancellation of Apprentice Registration
    Re-enter an Apprenticeship Education Program
    Registration in an Apprenticeship Education Program Without a Sponsor
Apprentice Mobility
    Alberta Apprentices Working in Another Jurisdiction
    Apprentices from Other Jurisdictions Working in Alberta
    Examination Administration in Other Jurisdictions
    Access to Alberta Classroom Instruction for Apprentices from Other Jurisdictions
    Working in Alberta with an Expired Out-of-Province Trade Credential
    Receiving Recognition for an Expired Out-of-Province Trade Credential
Classroom Instruction
    Attendance in Classroom Instruction
    Determining Success in Classroom Instruction
    Academic Conduct and Personal Behaviour
Sponsor Eligibility
    Obligations of a Sponsor
Compliance and Enforcement
    Site Visits and Inspections
    Consequences for Non-compliance
    Inspection and Suspension
    Publication of Convictions
    Limits on Rescheduling or Failing to Attend an Assessment
Industry Pathways
    Establishing Apprenticeship Education Programs
    Establishing Industry Training Programs
Blue Seal Program

Cancellation of Apprentice Registration

Registration as an apprentice does not guarantee that the apprentice will be able to complete the program.

In accordance with s. 6(2) of the Apprenticeship Education and Industry Training Programs Regulation, there are specific circumstances under which registration of an existing apprentice may be cancelled:

  • the apprentice fails to progress in a timely manner as defined in education program standards for the apprenticeship education program (found in the trade profile),
  • the apprentice fails to progress according to any terms and conditions set out by the Registrar after the apprentice re-entered an apprenticeship education program,
  • the apprentice fails to meet the terms and conditions set out by the Registrar after the apprentice is granted an exception from the educational requirements for eligibility,
  • there has been an irregularity (i.e. cheating) in the taking of an assessment or on-the-job instruction requirements of the apprenticeship education program,
  • the registration in the apprenticeship education program was improperly entered into due to an administrative or other error,
  • the registration in the apprenticeship education program was entered into through misrepresentation or fraudulent means,
  • the apprentice ceases to participate in the apprenticeship education program,
  • the apprentice ceases to work in the trade, 
  • the apprentice cannot be located or contacted by AIT, or
  • the apprentice requests that their registration be cancelled.
