Obligations of a Sponsor

 Every sponsor must:

  • ensure the apprentice receives the required on-the-job instruction,
  • ensure the apprentice is placed in an appropriate job and is paid the correct wage (as specified in Section 20 of the Apprenticeship Education and Industry Training Programs Regulation) and in accordance with the Employment Standards Code),
  • keep a record of the employment of the apprentice, including employer information,
  • encourage and enable the apprentice to attend their required classroom instruction,
  • ensure that the appropriate competency assessments are completed,
  • ensure records of the apprentice’s successful completion of the requirements are submitted at the end of each period, and
  • ensure that a mentor:
    • is available and able to mentor the apprentice,
    • provides the apprentice with the information, knowledge, guidance, and opportunities necessary for the apprentice to develop their skill sets and competencies,
    • provides the apprentice an appropriate learning environment, and
    • provides the apprentice feedback and assesses competency.
